Discover Amjad High School
Registered with the Lebanese Ministry of Education, Amjad High School has been serving students and its community since 1997. Amjad is located on the outskirts of Mount Lebanon along the Mediterranean Sea at the entrance of city of Chouaifet. Amjad became accredited in its English program in the International School Award with the British Council-Beirut in 2012 and has continued to adhere to high standards and cutting edge education philosophy ever since. Once at Amjad, students are expected to take responsibility to their education, determine their values. Nursery through Secondary programs that include bilingual language, English and French, in addition to Arabic, the Pre-school includes three years, elementary includes six years, the middle school includes three years and the secondary includes three years.
Currently the maximum enrollment is set for 2866 students with 1580 males and 1286 females as Amjad maintains that number throughout the year. All new students and their families participate in an interview style orientation process where they learn about the purpose, goals and program so they can make the decision if Amjad fits or does not fit their needs. Students register in Amjad for many reasons where the outcomes, goals and values of students’ needs are met. Currently the total number of enrollment is divided as follows KG 701 with English at 573 and French at 128; Elementary( Grades 2-6) 1082 with English at 817and French at 265; Middle School 590 with English at 432 and French at 158; Secondary 481 with English at 335 and French at 146. The secondary program is both officially recognized and college preparatory sending 100% of its graduates to colleges and universities in Lebanon and abroad.

The Students
Student enrollment is reflective of the demographic growth in Beirut. Currently different nationalities are represented in the student body. The majority are Lebanese with certain diversity of Armenian, Russian, American and French nationalities. Admission to Amjad is by application, and is selective on language, science and mathematics. The Student Support Services include a Support System, Prevention and Early Intervention, and support for transition.
The students – faculty is approximately 24 to 1 in the pre-school with paraprofessionals in the KGS, 30 to 1 in the elementary and middle schools and 30 to 1 in the secondary school. Class sizes range from 25 to 30 students all supporting a personalized environment where students have input into classroom instruction on a regular basis. The secondary program is both officially recognized and college preparatory sending 100% of its graduates to colleges and universities in Lebanon and abroad.

The Social Environment
Amjad strives to develop and maintain a healthy social environment within its campus, aiming at allowing its students to develop their interpersonal communication skills as well as their social behavior to enhance their ability to create value for students in a friendly controlled setting.
Amjad pays special attention to extra curricula activities by offering career related events, field trips, weekend trips, intramural and inter scholastic sports, as well as a strong activity program, partially scheduled after school day to enable fuller student participation.

The Faculty
The 253 certified staff at Amjad High School represent diverse backgrounds and cultures. All are highly qualified and well- professionally developed staff. Many have come from different educational systems or have had separate careers before entering the field of teaching. Among the 253 certified staff there are 6 Ph.Ds. 31 MAs and 174 BAs. All are highly qualified or degreed in the area in which they teach. In addition Amjad has 42 management personnel for maintenance and serving the school. Amjad depends on a number of suppliers for its resources to meet its goals. The quality of teaching personnel is maintained as an objective of quality.

The Curriculum
The curriculum implemented at Amjad reflects the American curriculum based on standards with specified benchmarks that interpret them in addition to the Syllabus Guide of the Lebanese Baccalaureate. The curriculum at Amjad is standards based (Common Core Curriculum state content standards) and delivered by a qualified, caring and creative teaching staff for both English and Science from grades 1 to 6 concurrent to the program delivered from K to 12 adhering the Lebanese Ministry of Education. The French department develops its curriculum on competence based utilizing French imported books for French language and sciences. The rigorous curriculum is delivered in a healthy school environment providing individualized attention and support. Instructional framework is delivered in an eclectic form of strategies and methods to develop the crucial skills of the students which are not limed to offering classroom discussion, projects, research, group work and student proposed options. This provides our students to qualify them for university. In addition, the standards implemented serve to provide a prerequisite to the AP program and SAT I which will be taught and tested at AMIDEAST through ETS (Educational Testing Service) and College Boards. Similarly, French department adopts the DELF assessment from grades 7 to 12 at the center Culturelle similarly to qualified, caring and creative teaching staff. This provides Amjad students to qualify them for university. Such mentioned curriculum at Amjad High School not only maintains motivated students to gain college level skills but it also provides college credits across all colleges and universities adopting the American syllabus (in the US, Europe and Middle east) while they are in Amjad.
Amjad is very closely to contract review since curriculum requirements are developed from community needs, parental expectations and Ministry of Education recommendations. The design output is reviewed to verify that basic competence and skills to be taught are consistent with the needs analysis. Amjad controls its curriculum by criteria for personnel who design it. Hence, Amjad prepares students to enter university and achieve success in standardized Lebanese official exams. As a result the program is both demanding and broad accommodating those who seek the Lebanese Baccalaureate (in General / Life sciences, Sociology and Economics).
By the 2nd cycle of the elementary and on words, students take both English and French. By the end of the 3rd Secondary, a student is a required to have completed a minimum of 3 years of:
Arabic Language
Foreign Languages: English or French
Science to include Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Math to include Algebra, Geometry, Calculus and Probability.
Social studies
in addition to:
Fine arts: Art, Drama and Music
Physical Education
Computer Literacy: promoting and developing a computer friendly environment making computer application an integral part of the student learning and development process.

Amjad controls procedures to ensure laboratory departments of biology, chemistry, physics, and language lab that match the syllabic requirements and that measurement instruments used in instruction are calibrated. This is needed to be exact for curricula purposes which focus upon the operation of instruments as well as quality concept of learning.
Amjad increases its value of accountability in education and professional learning and development to both teachers and students by having an established library of more than 15 thousand textbooks from pre-school to secondary. This is to drive change through brain power and can learn thinking tools.

Grading System
Grades are issued 4 times a year with in a 2 semester system.
90- Above | Excellent |
80-89.5 | Very Good |
70-79.5 | Good |
60-69.5 | Satisfactory |
All subjects are weighted equally and thus students achieving Excellent gets the honor of 100% scholarship aid.
Standardized Tests:
All secondary students are expected to sit for computerized SAT 1, and TOEFL

Human Resources
Amjad believes that the Human Resources is the most valuable and critical element in the success of the establishment. This is done by implementing and maintaining a system that it has set to show commitment to quality.
Therefore, Amjad recruits qualified personnel, capable of contributing to the establishment and helping the school reach its set educational and social objectives. In addition, Amjad commits itself in making personnel training program for selecting and implementing education accountability which is an integral part of the school policy and planning.
Verifying skills needed to meet quality requirement, Amjad has a team of well-trained and experienced coordinators regarded as the elite by the Ministry of Education and NCERD work with teachers and students to evaluate training outcomes and improve training process for the enormous challenges of the new millennium.

Community Outreach
Amjad strives to develop a bond linking the school, its students, parents as well as the community it serves. This bond is achieved via a communication network and activities which allows all parties, especially parents, to remain fully informed and up to date with events affecting their children development.