
Welcome to School Alumni!

Welcome back to your school! We hope you enjoy being a part of our extended international community that brings together former Secondary School students, parents and staff from around the world. If you are not yet a Secondary School Alumni member, register today through the Alumni Community section and reconnect with a global network that just keeps growing. We look forward to hearing from you. With best wishes,

Mr. Ayman Abdel Malak, Alumni Relations Coordinator

Strengthening Relationships

We aim to strengthen relationships between School alumnae, students, and soon-to-be alumnae while maximizing potential in both personal and professional lives.

The balance Secondary School maintains between honoring the past and remaining committed to the future is one of its most compelling attributes. We hope you`ll stay in touch, join our network, and bolster our community by supporting Secondary School students today.

Dear Allumi

We want to know more about what our former students go on to do after they leave Amjad High School. We also want to get better at keeping in touch with our alumni, as well as helping our alumni to keep in touch with each other.

In order to do this, we are currently in the process of developing an alumni database. It would help us if you could provide us with your information by taking a few moments to complete the following questionnaire by clicking here.  All questions are optional.

If you are still in touch with any other former Amjad High School  students, please also encourage them to complete the questionnaire. It can be accessed online at: